Follow My Journey...

They say you learn something new every day.

Well, I'm going to discover whether this is true.

For the year 2011, I'm going to document a fact I learned that day - for every day of the year.

My daily truths.

What is learning? How much do you learn and how do you learn it? I believe that with an open-mind that you  learn something new every day. Some may disagree with me, but you'll never learn unless you are (at least) open to the ideas of others. What can I learn from other people and what do other people learn from me? Who knows.

What can you learn? I believe you can learn almost anything and that you can re-learn again and again. Some truths are just facts that I have been reminded of. Some truths are my own conclusions based on whatever experience I have that day. Some truths are pointless whilst others may be seen as life lessons. Who knows what will happen. What will I learn in 2011 based on my blog?? Follow my journey and we'll see what happens.

What did you learn? Feel free to contribute to my blog and let me know what you have learned.