"You learn something new everyday if you pay attention."
Ray LeBlond
"I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."
Abraham Lincoln
"The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared with that of which we are ignorant."
"The wisest mind has something yet to learn."
George Santayana
"Much learning does not teach understanding."
"We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction."
Malcolm Gladwell
"What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers."
Martina Horner
"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live."
Mortimer Adler
"That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way."
Doris Lessing
"Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward."
Henry Ford
"We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself."
Lloyd Alexander
Lloyd Alexander
"Life is a learning experience, only if you learn."
Yogi Berra
Yogi Berra
"Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience."
Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley